Our Story


For centuries, mouthpieces have been manufactured as flat-rimmed bodies of revolution. However, this flat rim is only due to the production method and does not fit every mouth. David Lochmatter also had to realize this during his music studies at the Music Academy in Lucerne.

After his studies, David Lochmatter first experimented with rudimentary tools such as pocketknives and hand grinders on his mouthpieces. Gradually, the desire for a mouthpiece that was perfectly adapted to the shape of the mouth grew.

Scan mit Mundstück

A 3D scan was needed to measure the shape of the mouth. David's brother Thomas Lochmatter (engineer/PhD in robotics) took over the processing of the scan data. Thomas developed a program that allows for designing custom mouthpieces, and adapting the rim to the scan data.

After purchasing a simple FDM 3D printer and months of tinkering, David Lochmatter found his ideal mouthpiece rim shape, which opened new musical possibilities that previously seemed unattainable.


The young family company with David, Thomas and Manuela Lochmatter invested a lot of time, work and passion in this project and in the planning and production of an ergonomically perfectly adapted mouthpiece. We received the patent for this innovation in 2021. From this innovation grew the heart's desire to be able to share the product with others so that other musicians can also benefit from an ergonomically adapted mouthpiece.

In 2023, MyPiece won the BCVS Creators Prize.

No brass player should be disadvantaged in his musical possibilities due to physiological parameters.


David Lochmatter
David Lochmatter
Master of Arts in Music, Music Education & Conducting
Product design & development, quality control, customer and supplier relationships
Manuela Lochmatter
Manuela Lochmatter
Master of Science in
Business Administration
Management, marketing, finance
Thomas Lochmatter
Thomas Lochmatter
Engineer, PhD in robotics,
software and hardware developer
Software development, 3D calculation, technical support